Webm Unsupported: WebM Files in Vegas Pro 19

How to Open WebM Files in Vegas Pro 19

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Vegas Pro 19 is a professional video editing software program that supports a wide range of video file formats. However, some users may experience difficulties when trying to open and edit WebM files in Vegas Pro 19. In this guide, we will discuss how to open and edit WebM files in Vegas Pro 19.

Check the Video Properties of the WebM File

Check the video properties of the WebM file Before attempting to import a WebM file into Vegas Pro 19, it’s important to check the video properties of the file to ensure that it is compatible with the software. You can use a video information tool, such as MediaInfo or VLC Media Player, to see the exact codec, frame rate, resolution, and other properties of the video. You can download it at https://mediaarea.net/en/MediaInfo.

Download and Install Necessary Codecs

Download and install the necessary codecs Vegas Pro 19 may require additional codecs to be installed in order to import and edit WebM files. If your WebM file uses a specific codec that is not natively supported by Vegas Pro 19, you may need to download and install the appropriate codec. For example, if your WebM file uses a VP9 video codec and an Opus audio codec, you will need to download and install these codecs on your system.

Download the VP9 video codec

Download the Opus audio codec

Import the WebM File into Vegas Pro 19

Import the WebM file into Vegas Pro 19 Once the necessary codecs are installed on your system, you can import the WebM file into Vegas Pro 19. To do this, go to the File menu and select Import, then navigate to the location of the WebM file and select it. Vegas Pro 19 should be able to import the file and add it to your project.

Convert the WebM File to a Different Format (if necessary)

Convert the WebM file to a different format If you continue to experience difficulties importing or editing the WebM file in Vegas Pro 19, you may need to convert the file to a different format. You can use a video converter software, such as Handbrake or Any Video Converter, to convert the WebM file to a different format, such as MP4 or AVI, with H.264 or HEVC codecs. Once the file is converted, you can import it into Vegas Pro 19 to see if it works correctly.

To convert a 4K WebM to a 4K MKV video, follow these steps:

  1. Download FFMEPG and install ffmpeg.
  2. Open a command window in the same folder as ffmpeg and the video you want to edit.
  3. Run the following command: ffmpeg -i test.webm -vf zscale=t=linear:npl=100,format=gbrpf32le,zscale=p=bt709,tonemap=tonemap=hable:desat=0,zscale=t=bt709:m=bt709:r=tv,format=yuv420p -c:v libx264 -crf 17 -preset slower test2.mkv
  4. This command will convert the 4K HDR video (test.webm) to a 4K SDR video (test2.mkv). You can also output to mp4 if desired, just follow the step below.

To convert a 4K WebM to a 4K MP4 video, follow these steps:

  1. Download ffmpeg.
  2. Open a command window in the same folder as ffmpeg and the video you want to edit.
  3. Run the following command, replacing “test.webm” with your input video file name, and “test.mp4” with your desired output file name:ffmpeg -i test.webm -vf zscale=tin=smpte2084:min=bt2020nc:pin=bt2020:rin=tv:t=smpte2084:m=bt2020nc:p=bt2020:r=tv,zscale=t=linear:npl=100,format=gbrpf32le,zscale=p=bt709,tonemap=tonemap=hable:desat=0,zscale=t=bt709:m=bt709:r=tv,format=yuv420p -c:v libx264 -crf 15 -preset slower test.mp4
  4. This command will convert the 4K HDR video (test.webm) to a 4K SDR video (test2.mp4).

How to Batch Convert PS5 4K Video Clips from .webm to .mp4/mkv in BT.709 Color Space Using FFmpeg

To record in 4K on PS5, you need to use the .webm file format. However, the PS5 webm file format uses a BT.2020 color space (HDR), while most video editing software supports BT.709 color space (SDR). You need to convert to BT.709 color space to get the correct color representation.

If you have a whole folder of PS5 video clips to convert, you can use the following batch script:

@echo off

chcp 65001 > nul

REM Change these settings to match your folder locations.
set "VIDEO_IN_FOLDER=I:\PS5\CREATE\Video Clips\God of War Ragnarök"
set "VIDEO_OUT_FOLDER=I:\PS5\CREATE\Video Clips\God of War Ragnarök\Converted"

REM DO NOT change anything below this line.


setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

for %%f in ("%VIDEO_IN_FOLDER%\*.webm") do (
    set "VIDEO_IN=%%~f"
    set "VIDEO_OUT=%VIDEO_OUT_FOLDER%\%%~nf.mp4"

    if exist "%VIDEO_OUT%" (
        echo Output file already exists: "%VIDEO_OUT%"
    ) else (
        pushd "!FFMPEG!"
        ffmpeg -i "!VIDEO_IN!" -vf "zscale=tin=smpte2084:min=bt2020nc:pin=bt2020:rin=tv:t=smpte2084:m=bt2020nc:p=bt2020:r=tv,zscale=t=linear:npl=100,format=gbrpf32le,zscale=p=bt709,tonemap=hable:desat=0,zscale=t=bt709:m=bt709:r=tv,format=yuv420p" -c:v libx264 -crf 15 -preset slower "!VIDEO_OUT!" 2>&1 || echo Error converting file: "!VIDEO_IN!"

REM Pause to allow user to see output before closing
  • Download and install ffmpeg on your computer if you haven’t already. You can download ffmpeg from the official website: https://ffmpeg.org/
  • Once you have installed ffmpeg, create a new folder on your computer where you will store the PS5 video clips you want to convert to SDR. In this example, let’s call the folder “PS5 Video Clips”.
  • Within the “PS5 Video Clips” folder, create a new subfolder called “Converted” where the converted videos will be saved.
  • Copy the batch file code into a new text document and save it as a .bat file. Name it something like “PS5-SDR-Converter.bat” and save it in the “PS5 Video Clips” folder.
  • Open the batch file in a text editor and replace the “FFMPEG” variable with the path to your ffmpeg installation folder. For example, if ffmpeg is installed in “C:\ffmpeg”, the variable should be set to “set “FFMPEG=C:\ffmpeg””
  • Replace the “VIDEO_IN_FOLDER” variable with the path to the PS5 video clips folder you created earlier. For example, if the folder is located at “C:\Users\YourUsername\Videos\PS5 Video Clips”, the variable should be set to “set “VIDEO_IN_FOLDER=C:\Users\YourUsername\Videos\PS5 Video Clips””
  • Replace the “VIDEO_OUT_FOLDER” variable with the path to the “Converted” subfolder you created earlier. For example, if the “Converted” subfolder is located at “C:\Users\YourUsername\Videos\PS5 Video Clips\Converted”, the variable should be set to “set “VIDEO_OUT_FOLDER=C:\Users\YourUsername\Videos\PS5 Video Clips\Converted””
  • Save and close the batch file.
  • Open the command prompt and navigate to the “PS5 Video Clips” folder. You can do this by typing “cd C:\path\to\PS5 Video Clips” in the command prompt, replacing “C:\path\to\PS5 Video Clips” with the actual path to the folder.
  • Type the name of the batch file (e.g. “PS5-SDR-Converter.bat”) and press Enter to run the batch file.
  • The batch file will automatically convert all the .webm PS5 video clips in the “PS5 Video Clips” folder to SDR and save them in the “Converted” subfolder. The batch file will also display the progress of the conversion and any errors that occur during the conversion.
  • Once the batch file has finished running, you should have all of your PS5 video clips converted to SDR and saved in the “Converted” subfolder.

If the conversion is taking too long or using too much CPU, you can reduce the -crf number to 23 and change the -preset to fast to reduce the file size and CPU usage, but this will also reduce the video quality slightly.

How to Set Your PS5 to MP4 Recording for Better Video Editing

  • On your PS5, go to “Settings” from the main menu.
  • In the settings menu, select “Captures and Broadcasts.”
  • Under “Captures and Broadcasts,” select “Captures.”
  • Select “Record Video Clips” and choose “MP4” from the options.
  • You can also adjust the video quality by selecting “Video Quality” and choosing either “Standard” or “High” from the options.

With these settings, your PS5 will record video clips in the more universal MP4 format, which can be edited more easily in most video editing software.

In conclusion

Opening and editing WebM files in Vegas Pro 19 may require additional steps, such as installing necessary codecs or converting the file to a different format. However, with the proper tools and techniques, you should be able to successfully import and edit WebM files in Vegas Pro 19.

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